Rocío Franco Reyes
EDU 4610: Environmental Processes and Assessment
October 24, 2011
Field Experience
Student Name: _________________________ Teacher’s Name: ____________________
Lesson Plan 1
1. Texas Essential-Knowledge & Skills (TEKS):
(K.1) Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning. The student uses numbers to name quantities. The student is expected to:
(A) use one-to-one correspondence and language such as more than, same number as, or two less than to describe relative sizes of sets of concrete objects;
(B) use sets of concrete objects to represent quantities given in verbal or written form (through 20);
2. Specific Objectives:
After reading the book Ten Red Apples, students will use one-to-one correspondence to place red pompoms on the tree to the correct numbered card.
3. Materials and Equipment Needed for the Lesson:
Book: Ten Red Apples by Pat Hutchins
Copy and cut cards from the endpaper of the book
Blank copy paper (one for each student)
Crayons markers
Interest Inventory Questionnaire
Cards numbered 1-10.
Red pompoms
Tree made of construction paper
Cut out pictures of farmer and nine animals
4. Procedures with number of minutes: (be sure to include modeling examples, planned transitions, etc.)
1) We will start the day by introducing each other, and then I will perform the Interest Inventory to each student while they draw a picture of themselves. (10 minutes)
2) I will then display the front and back covers of the book. Discuss the pictures and have students predict what the story will be about. Count the apples on the tree, pointing to each in turn. (5 minutes)
3) Show students the cards cut out from the endpapers and have children count the apples in each picture with you while you point to each numeral and to each apple in each group.
4) Read the book aloud, following the same procedure for each spread: point out the numeral, the apples lined up by the numeral, and the apples on the tree.
5) Activity: Have a tree cut out of construction paper, number cards (1-10), and red pompoms. Place a copy of farmer and nine animals next to it.
6) Have students place ten pompoms on the tree and retell the story by using the farmer and the animals to recount the apples on the tree until they reach 1.
5. Assessment, Reflection, and Revision:
Assessment of Student Learning (how will it be done):
I will observe if students have placed the correct number of pompoms on the tree to match the corresponding number card.
Reflective thoughts about lesson after taught:
Suggestions for revision if used again:
6. Remediation Activity: Copy the end pages of the book. Cut out the boxes with apple trees and numbers, and have students place them in order.
7. Extension Activity:
1) Divide a sheet of paper into ten sections and draw a tree outline in each section, labeling the trunks 1-10. Provide each child with a copy.
2) Have students use red crayons to add the appropriate number of apples to each tree.
3) Have students cut the sections apart and practice putting their apple trees in order from 1 to 10 and from 10 to 1.
Ten Red Apples by Pat Hutchins
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