Friday, January 20, 2012

Welcome to my first blog post!  I thought my first blog should be a biography about my kids and my life.  When you have kids the experiences that you deal with on a daily basis can be quite interesting to say the least.  This was my inspiration for my blog. Not only will it show others that they are not alone when it comes to raising children, but it will be my outlet to vent when necessary.  It would be nice if my family was like the Cleavers or Brady Bunch.  One can dream, can’t they?
I am 37 years-old and have been married for the last 16 years to my husband, Barry.  We have four children, Tyler, Lauren, Victoria, and Sydnee.  I decided in the spring of 2008 that I wanted to go back to school and finish what I started many years ago. I graduated from Hill College with an Associate’s Degree in Liberal Arts in the spring of 2010.  I started that fall at Texas Wesleyan and will graduate this December with my Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education.
My son, Tyler, will be 17 years-old at the end of May.  He is a junior at an area high school where he plays basketball on the varsity team.  He loves basketball and plays it year round.  He plays in several leagues through his high school during the spring and the first part of summer.  When he is not playing in a league, he is working out and running during the off season preparing for the next season to begin.  As if he wasn’t busy enough with practice every day and games on Tuesday and Friday’s, he also coaches a basketball team for Upwards.  Tyler keeps us VERY busy as you can see.
My oldest daughter, Lauren, just turned 11 years-old in October.  She is in the fifth grade and is a member of the choir, student council, CEO’s (Caring for the Earth and Others Organization) and chess club.  She is also a part of a crew that makes daily video announcements for their elementary school three 6 weeks a year.  She just finished her turn last week where she was the weather anchor.  She did an amazing job and was a natural.  This does not surprise me in the least since she aspires to be a model and actress.  I guess we will see.
My middle daughter, Victoria, just turned 8 years-old last month.  She is in the second grade and is more reserved than my other children.  She is very loving and wears her heart on her sleeve.  She enjoys school and is a member of the chess club as well.  She is still young and is not involved in everything at school yet like Lauren is.  I am sure next year will be a different story.
My youngest daughter, Sydnee, will be 7 years-old in May.  She is my special angel since I almost lost her when she was born.  She was born with a heart defect which required her to have surgery shortly after birth.  If it had not been for a nurse at the hospital where I delivered noticing her distress right away, the outcome could have been different.  She was thrived since surgery despite being developmental delayed.   She is in the first grade this year where she is working very hard to learn and do the simpler task those others her age can already do.  She was diagnosed with a learning disability last school year so school work is a challenge, but she is holding her own. 
As you can see my life is quite busy without going to school full-time.  It may be trying and difficult, but I would not change it for the world. 


  1. Yes, a family such as the Cleavers or the Brady Bunch would be nice to have. I don't have any children at the moment, for I haven't yet decided to settle down. Although, from the sound of things, it doesn't seem like there is much settling going on in your day to day schedule. I do have a neice and a nephew whom I love to spend time with, they are such a blast to have around. My neice sounds similar to your middle daughter, she is much more reserved than my nephew, enjoys school, yet she still isn't involved in to many activities at school. My nephew on the otherhand is much more outgoing and full of energy. It seems like all he wants to do is be outside of the house, which is kinda rare for kids nowadays, but refreshing. I myself played basketball throughout junior high and highschool. I can still recall playing in the summer leagues during the offseason, I hope your son has a successful season.

  2. How nice it is to meet you and your family, Amanda. The one thing I am missing from teaching this online class is getting to know my students in the same way; I was hoping this blog would help in that regard, besides helping you write more. It looks as though it may serve both purposes.

    As for your children having completely different personalities, I subscribe the idea that birth order influences personality. There are some good books written on this issue that you might enjoy.

    Hope you enjoy blogging.
