It almost hard to imagine a time when we did not carry a cell phone, have satellite, or internet. We have become so depend on today’s modern technology and when we do not have it, we seem lost. I experienced this a few weeks ago.
I felt helpless and not sure what to do was when we had the last batch of storms move through the area. It was the Monday after spring break and my electricity went out hours before the storm even moved through. Really? What was I to do? I was feverishly working on my ESL midterm, a huge project, and a presentation all due on Tuesday. I called ONCOR and of course they could not give me a straight answer as to when it would be back on. My laptop had less than two hours of battery power left so I continued on for another 30 minutes. I called my dad in hysterics about my predicament. Well, what dad wants to hear their little girl have a psychotic breakdown? Not my dad! He came to my rescue once again. He went up to one of our neighbors and bored his generator. When I opened my front door, there parked in my front yard was his white chariot with the generator in the bed of the truck. I was ecstatic because I was just about to go old school by using pen and paper. Who does that anymore? I was able to plug in my computer and a lamp and I was back in business. It was about an hour later and my electricity came back on. Yeah!
It is crazy how dependant we have become. When we forget our phone or lose a computer, it seems as if the world will end. I look at my kids and this is a life they have only known. I now know how my parents or grandparents must have felt telling me stories of the “good ole” days when I was little. It just amazes my kids when I tell them I didn’t have a cell phone or internet when I was their age. Crazy!