Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Where has the time gone?

It is so hard to believe that in a little over two months, my first born will be 17.  I can remember the day he was born, the day we brought him home, the day he took his first step, etc.  It seems as if the last few years have really flown by, and next year he will be graduating from high school.  I am not sure that I am going to be able to take it.  They might as well just give me an I.V. of Prozac, Valium, Xanax, and anything else they can prescribe to keep me going.  I have warned Tyler ahead of time of my potential emotional state, so at least he is prepared. 

As most teenagers are, Tyler is in a “relationship.”  His girlfriend is really sweet, nice, and a good Christian girl, which is a plus in my book.  The best part of this relationship is her dad.  Tyler is very intimidated by him.  Her dad is a coach and teacher at the high school Tyler attends, so he sees him almost daily.  He gives Tyler a hard time whenever he sees him, just to keep him on his toes.  The ultimate test of bonding will come next week.  Tyler is going camping with his girlfriend and her family. 

That is right; I must be crazy for letting a 17 year old boy go camping with his girlfriend. All those hormones, open country, and fresh air would spell out trouble for most teenagers.  Lucky for me, I have a good, smart, Christian boy that knows his mother will take him out if he were misbehave and have told him this on more than one occasion.  The other thing I have going for me is her dad.  When Tyler came to me and told me about the invitation, he told me he asked his girlfriend, “Do I need to bring my tent?”  Good answer!  I asked him if his camping trip will be like the scene from the movie Guess Who with Ashton Kutcher and Bernie Mac.  You know what part I am talking about.  The one where Ashton Kutcher is forced to sleep with Bernie Mac on the full-sized, pullout couch bed so that he can “keep an eye” on his daughter’s suitor.  Let’s just say, my son is completely mortified at the potential thought of this happening.  I have been sworn to secrecy about not mentioning this to his girlfriend in fear she would tell her parents.  The visual image I have in my head about this is definitely priceless! 

I cannot wait to hear all about Tyler’s camping experience when he gets home.  I can only imagine the torment that he may face at the hands of her dad while they are gone.  I will have to remind Tyler before he goes of that famous saying, “That which doesn’t kill us makes us stronger!”  I know my son and this will make him stronger!

1 comment:

  1. You sound so much like my mom and dad!!! I hope to start a family soon and can't wait to see them turn into teenagers. I know that sounds crazy but seeing how they act in certain situations like you describe can be quite comical. I know my parents enjoyed watching me squirm in new situations. My dad was also the dad that handed out the quiz " 20 questions to date my daughter." He handed it out to my guy friends not even guys I was interested in dating. But word spread quickly about him and his quiz!! : )
