Friday, March 23, 2012

Not Going Down With a Fight!

What a week and I am so happy it is over, I think.  It started out with multiple projects that were all due on Tuesday.  I was up until after 2, early Tuesday morning trying to get them all finished.  I wish I could say that I got to sleep late, but I was up by 6 to get the kids together so we could leave.  I got through two presentations, a midterm, class, and then it was off to get my son from play practice.  It was after 8 before I even left the school for home which I was totally excited about.  About half way home, my son informed me that his beloved varsity basketball coach was asked to resign.  I tell you, nothing will wake you up faster than being madder than a wet hen.  My sleep deprivation, hunger, and need for a much needed shower quickly left my thoughts.  I soon began to rally and began researching all while trying to finish my homework that was due by midnight.  Needless to say, I have not been to bed before 12:30 or 1 or eaten dinner before 11 each night since then due to being on the phone or Facebook.
It is amazing how quickly people can get behind something that they believe in.  My son and I started a Facebook page as an online petition and a means to show support. It was started at 11:30 on Wednesday night and by Thursday night at 7:30 we had 67 “likes.”  By 11:30, we had over 250 people and it continues to go. I am proud to say we are at around 360 tonight.  We are determined to make our voices to be heard.  We may not be able to change the events that have already occurred, but we will continue to fight the athletic program and the changes made until something is actually done in the best interest of the students.  Let the fight continue!

1 comment:

  1. I remember having a couple of those types of days in previous semesters. It always seemed as if the professors secretly conspired to have multiple assignments all due the same day. There would have been weeks were nothing was due then all of a sudden homework assignments and exams were all due or held the same day. My nerves and anxiety always skyrocketed, good thing that they occur sparingly.

    As to the issue with the coach, I applaud you for standing up for something you believe in. Many people would’ve just sat back and looked at the situation hoping for some else to take action. I guess it comes to show that it only takes one person to get the ball rolling. I don’t have a face book account so I’m not sure exactly what the “likes” are going to accomplish but it seems you are making great progress with your movement. Good luck in your petition.
