Friday, April 20, 2012

End of Semester Stress!!

OMG!! The end of semester stress is starting to get to me this week.  It seems all my big assignments are due at one time. I was lucky to have the day off so I could make some leeway, but I do not know if it was enough.  I feel like the Little Engine that Could right now.  Here I am, sitting at the bottom of the hill going “I think I can, I think I can” just like in the story.  Unlike the story, I am falling backwards instead of moving forward at times. 
I am confident I will finish all my projects on time.  We have just little over two weeks left in this semester and it could not come at a moment too soon.  I have so many plans for my time off; I will be just as busy as I am now.  Unlike now, I will make time for me before I go to Guatemala at the end of June. Come on summer!    

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly how you feel. Just this week I had a massive amount of anxiety and paranoia set in. I don’t know why it is but it seems like the end of the semester always has the tendency to stress people out. The sad thing about it is that most of it is in our heads. I’m just glad that this is my last semester; graduation can’t get here soon enough.
