What is it with children today? With all the modern advances and advantages that are at their beck and call, I still hear, “I am bored, there is nothing to do!” Really, how is that even possible? You have satellite television with over 250 channels, a Wii gaming system with over 50 different games to chose from, your own personal DVD player (thanks Santa) with at least 100 different movies, board games, Barbie’s, coloring books, Nintendo DS gaming systems, etc., and they are bored.
When I was a child, my sister and I would leave out in the morning and not come back until dark. We would play in the clubhouse, ride horses, ride our bikes, play with the other neighborhood children, play Barbie’s, or we would make up something to do. If we came home before dark, then our parents would think that there was something wrong. We did not have all the modern advantages that children today have, but we had something even better. What is that you ask? We had our imagination!
Maybe I should consider moving away, out to the middle of nowhere, and live as if it was the 1800’s. How do you think my children would react to that? I bet I do not here “I am bored” again!
That would be an interesting experiment, make sure to take some video cameras and microphones so you can document the experience, you can call it, “The Day My Children Forgot Boredom.” In all honesty, I agree with what your saying, kids these days have become too accustomed to the luxuries of life. Some green grass and a little fresh air, I’m sure can change that attitude. Growing up as a kid, riding bikes, jumping on the trampoline, and playing tag with the neighborhood kids, were my daily routines. Yes, I had a Play Station growing up but I would lose interest playing it after several minutes, which is quite the contrast for kids these days, I know several of my younger cousins have spent up to several hours playing their Xbox, sad. Hopefully, you can persuade your kids to go outside and have a little good old fashioned fun, and who knows, maybe their imagination will show up.